WebFX Site Review

Site Name: WebFX: Progressive Enhancement 101: Overview & Best Practices

  1. What are Progressive Enhancements? Progressive Enhancement is a way you can design to show the basic/necessary content to everyone, but to give more elaborate/enhanced web design to people who have newer browsers or faster systems.
  2. Why are Progressive Enhancements needed? Progressive Enhancements are needed to help with accessibility so that the content can be viewed in all cases (since this is the most important part of a site). They also make make sites work better on a larger variety of browsers, not just the newest ones. It also can improve the page loading time.
  3. Does the site's home page validate? No
  4. Find any other page on the site. Does the second page validate? I chose to do their home page: https://www.webfx.com/. This page also did not validate.
  5. Document how many validation errors and/or warnings may exist on each of the two pages you validate. The first page had a total of 48 errors and/or warnings. The home page had 96 errors and/or warnings.
  6. How would you rate the site's design, on a scale of 1(horrible) to 10 (fantastic)? Why? I would rate the site's design as a 9. It is a very clean and streamlined site. The font is really easy to read, both in size, font family, and spacing. There is a good use of white space on the site as well. It all flows really well.
  7. How would you rate the site's usability on a scale of 1 (horrible) to 10 (fantastic)? Why? The site is really easy to use. It has a great, in-depth menu structure and no popups or flashy things that are too distracting. It was easy to read the article and find information to learn more on this subject.
  8. Does the site meet it's purpose? Yes. The site sells tools and services for digital marketing and platforms online. The article was informative towards this industry.