Research Documentation 06 Php Frameworks

Research Documentation 06 Php Frameworks

06 Php Frameworks

PHP Framework 1: Laravel

Laravel was released in 2011 and is one of the most popular PHP frameworks out there. It is also open source. It is faster than other frameworks. It offers a lot of security features for things like authentication and encryption. One other benefit of Laravel is that it has a lot of online documentation and tutorials available. Laravel offers its Homestead development enviornment which means that you don't have to even install PHP.

PHP Framework 2: CakePHP

CakePHP is also open source and it is very easy to use and install. If you have a web server, you just need to install the framework and you are ready to go. It has built in security features as well to help with encryption and preventing SQL injection along with other security features that make it a great option for a commericial site. CakePHP also offers extensive tutorials as well as online help forums to get assistance.

PHP Framework 3: CodeIgniter

The CodeIgniter framework is popular for being a small size (around 2MB). It is great for building dynamic websites and very easy to install. One big benefit with the installation is that its easy and has great documentation to guide you through the process. It is also easier to learn that some of the other frameworks. Because of its size and structure, CodeIgnighter has great performance so it is especially useful in smaller projects. One downside to CodeIgnighter is that it is updated less frequently so it is not as good of an option if you need high end security that always has the latest updates.


There are many PHP Frameworks to chose from. The framework you choose will depend on how you plan to use it and what different built in libraries/functions that framework provides. Having the right framework can make writing code much faster and efficient for the programmer. You can use less code to accomplish the same goal and the end code is often more secure because the libraries have all of the security features built in to avoid hacking.
